How can we convince people to use WhatsApp domestically and abroad? By offering them a personal travel guide, only accessible in the app.
Advertising & Marketing, Interactive & Web Design
InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

The Client
Problem/Challenge Snapshot
Convince people traveling abroad that WhatsApp should be their preferred method of communication.
Target audience
People traveling abroad
Current beliefs
There are a lot of ways and apps to communicate with people overseas
Need a way to chat with internet friends but don’t have a unified app for all their needs
Desired Beliefs
WhatsApp is the best method to communicate internationally
WhatsApp has the ability to connect users in a dynamic and meaningful way.
Stay connected with friends all over the world, instantly.
Why should they believe it?
WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world with 1.5 billion users
No SMS fees, no usernames, can be used anywhere there is Internet
Driving brand idea
With WhatsApp users can stay connected with friends back home and abroad while traveling.